What is a Fictitious Name?
A fictitious name, also known as a DBA (“doing business as”) is:
- Different from your personal name, if doing business as a sole proprietor.
- Different from your entity’s legal name, if you have incorporated or otherwise formed a separate legal business entity.
Why is registration required?
The Fictitious Name Act (s.865.09, F.S.) requires any person (which, by definition, includes an individual, as well as a business entity) to register their “fictitious name” or “dba” name with the Florida Department of State prior to conducting business in Florida.
Registration of a fictitious name under the Fictitious Name Act allows:
- An individual or business to operate under a name other than their legal name.
- The public searches Florida Department of State Fictitious Name registration section to determine what individual or business is operating under the fictitious name.
Will I receive proof of registration?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation letter (which includes the name registered, assigned registration number and date of registration), as well as any requested certificates.
Will I need proof of my fictitious name registration?
Yes, if you or your business will be applying for a local occupational license (under section 205.023,F.S.) or transferring a business license (under section 205.033(2) or 205.043(2), F.S).
You must present the county or municipality with:
- A copy of your current fictitious name registration; or
- A written statement explaining why you are not required to comply with the Fictitious Name Act.
NOTE: Most banks and financial institutions also require proof of registration when opening an account.
How long is the fictitious name registration valid?
It is valid for 5 years and expires on December 31st of the final year.
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